Golf events
Company tournaments
Do you want your company to be able to stand out among others? Take advantage of our offer and provide us with a Corporate Tournament.
We work with the largest event agencies in Poland. We are developing at a rapid pace.
We provide:
- Promotion of the tournament
- A special gastronomic and golf offer
- Green Fee vouchers for Winners
- Partner’s stand during the tournament
- Professional service: Tournament Reception, Starter, Marshal, Judge
- Preparing start lists and entering results after the tournament
- Conducting the inauguration of the awards
We have cooperated with companies such as: Audi, Samsung, Canon Poland, Konsalnet, T-Mobile Polska, Alior Bank, Space Club, Noble Bank, iCasa, Mercedes Benz, Executive Club and many, many more.

Golf Academy for Companies
The unique atmosphere of the golf course, close contact with nature, silence and clean air are conducive not only to relaxation. They are also ideal conditions for organizing trainings and meetings for your company. Using our experience, we will create a unique one
and a fantastic party that meets your expectations.
Thanks to the experienced coaching staff, we offer all participants the best conditions to play golf and start their own adventure with this sport. We offer you to organize an Academy event. All guests will be able to learn the basic rules of the game, learn how to perform strokes on the golf range, which is Driving Range and puttowania (another type of impact) on a specially prepared Putting Green training area.
Sample golf academy schedule:
14.00 Arrival of the group to the golf course. Greeting of guests.
14:05 – 14:30 “That’s golfing” – a demonstration of professional professionals and an introduction to golf.
We divide our guests into 3 groups. Classes in groups last from 14:30 to 16:00.
Group I: Learning and training long strokes at the Driving Range.
Group II: Learning short strokes on Putting Greenie
Group III: Learning precise strokes on Chipping Greenie.
After 30 minutes, the positions are changed so that everyone can try a different type of impact.
16:00 – Farewell to the group.
In addition, as part of the golf academy, we organize competitions with prizes, such as Nearest to the Pin, Longest Drive, and Best Put Competition.
Golf Academy for Children
The Children’s Golf Academy includes a training program designed for younger children aged 3-6, as well as for juniors over the age of 7.
Our philosophy is learning through play, and classes are tailored to each group individually.
Our instructors have experience in working with children, they always respond to their needs or requests. Leaving your children under the care of our PRO, you can be safe about their safety.
Sample golf academy schedule for children:
Greeting children, introducing the instructor.
Demonstration hole performed by an instructor – with active participation of children.
Classes at individual training locations: driving range, chipping green, putting green – children will get to know all kinds of strokes.
Golf competition.
Commemorative photos and farewell to children.
We encourage you to come to our golf course and to spend time actively in the open air.

Golf Birthday
You do not know where to organize a birthday for your child? We have a new, original idea for you.
Offer for organizing a birthday at the Golf Academy in Sobienie Królewskie Golf & Country Club
As part of a birthday party, we suggest learning to play golf with professional instructors.
- Introduction to golf
- Learning and exercises on the driving range
- Fun and golf competitions “Closest to the pin”, “Best putt”
- Golf treat with a cake
Duration of the party – 3 hours
Price: from PLN 150 * / child
The jubilarate will receive a souvenir cup or medal as a gift.
There is a possibility of extending the event and ordering a babysitter / animator.
* The exact quote of the offer depends on the date, number of participants and menu.
Occasional events
A unique party on the golf course? Yes of course!!!
We will organize a perfect birthday, name day, baptisms, first communions, weddings, company meetings – all in an unusual setting with golf in the background.
We have a beautiful restaurant room in the clubhouse. For guest use, we can provide a conference room (art gallery) on the first floor of the club house and a unique and intimate library.
Do you want your party to stand out among others? Contact us – we will help you to prepare something special.

Ask for an offer for a golf event
If you want to get an offer for a selected golf event, fill in the contact form below. We will contact you as soon as possible.
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